My Catz With Our Homemade Cat Grass

RM 5.90
per pack
Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8


Masalah bulu kucing yang melekat pada baju, sofa, permaidani dan sebagainya adalah perkara biasa. Tetapi amat menyakitkan hati apa bila masalah tersebut makin menjadi-jadi. Masalah keguguran pada bulu kucing sering terjadi terutama pada kucing yang berbulu lebat dan panjang.

Tahukah kamu apakah yang menyebabkan terjadinya masalah keguguran bulu kucing? Kebiasaannya Kucing akan mengalami keguguran bulu sebanyak setahun sekali dan diikuti serentak dengan pertumbuhan bulu-bulu yang baru. Tetapi ada juga kucing yang mengalami dua kali setahun dengan jumlah yang tidak terlalu banyak.

Sebab-sebab yang lain adalah seperti kekurangan nutrisi, kelebihan vitamin juga adalah salah satu penyebabnya. Selain itu suhu kandang atau tempat tinggal kucing terlalu panas juga boleh menyebabkan keguguran bulu kucing, pemilihan syampu sangat penting. Syampu yang tidak sesuai boleh menyebabkan keguguran bulu kucing. Selain itu kutu, tungau dan kulat juga adalah musuh utama pada kucing. Seperti manusia kucing juga mempunyai gangguan hormon, ini juga adalah salah satu penyebabnya. Alahan pada ubat dan gangguan antibodi yang tidak kuat juga membolehkan masalah bulu kucing gugur.

TIP:   Bulu Kucing Bersinar dan Berkilat.
Untuk mendapatkan bulu kucing anda sentiasa bersinar dan berkilat. Anda bolehlah memberi kucing anda makan gel minyak ikan. Satu biji sekali seminggu. Gel minyak ikan ini  juga diperkaya dengan omega 3 dan dapat mencegah kucing anda dari serangan demam dan selsema. Gel minyak ikan ini boleh didapati di farmasi.

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8


Sometimes greasy coats, allergies and plain old dirt require a cat to have a good bath. This can be tricky because cats usually don't like water. It is best to introduce a cat to bathing as a kitten so that baths become less stressful with time.

The process requires a medicated baby shampoo and a good animal shampoo manufactured by a company such as Lambert-Kay, Ring 5, Tomlyn or Vita-coat. Experiment with various brands to see what works best for your kitty. It is also a good idea to buy mild eye drops or ointments from your veterinarian to guard against soap getting into your cat's eyes. You may also need a wetting agent, a de-greaser and a conditioner to release the tangles in your cat's coat. Use a sprayer attachment for rinsing and keep towels nearby. To bathe and dry your cat, follow these steps:

1.      Apply mild eye drops or ointment to the eyes to protect them from soap.

2.      Fill the sink with tepid water and, if possible, add around three capfuls of a wetting agent like Shaklee's Basic H (which is non-toxic). Place your cat in the water. Using a plastic cup, pour this water mixture over the cat's body until the hair starts to part and the hair shaft becomes wet all the way to the skin. Do not get water in your cat's ears and never pour water over the head.

3.      Drain the water from the sink. To cleanse kitty's head, use a mild tearless baby shampoo only. Put a small amount on a wet washcloth and gently wash around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and forehead. Then rinse the cloth and go over the face to remove the soap.
4.      If your cat has an extremely greasy coat, this is the time to apply a de-greaser. Fast Orange is a non-toxic de-greaser that can be found in supermarkets. Spread it liberally throughout the coat and then rinse it out.

5.      Choose the shampoo that works the best for your cat's coat and apply and rinse off at least two or three times.

6.      Rinsing is extremely important. Fill the wash basin with 2 or 3 inches of water until the bottom part of the cat's fur starts to float in the water. Keep rinsing until there is no residue. Use a cup to scoop the basin water over the cat's body and keep doing it until the coat is free of shampoo. Empty the soapy water from the sink and refill with clear water as needed.

7.      If the cat's coat needs a conditioner, this is the time to apply it. Then rinse with water again.

8.      A final rinse of half cup vinegar to two quarts water will remove any traces of soap residue.

9.      Rinse with tepid water a final time.

10. Clean the ears with a soft Q-tip dipped in optic solution, which you can purchase from vet catalogs.

11. Blot the fur with a dry towel. A single-coated or dense shorthaired cat can be towel dried and placed in a warm bathroom until he is completely dried.

12. The longer the coat, the more important it is to use combs and brushes at this point.

13. Dryers are a matter of preference, but it is nice to have one for a longhaired cat. Oster makes a table dryer that many breeders use. A Superduck Dryer is a little less costly and works well.

14. Dry the upper body by blow-drying backward against the lay of the hair. Work along the sides, forward to the front legs and up the neck. Each section should be totally dry before moving on or the hair will curl. The tail, belly and back legs should be done last because cats tend to have a lower tolerance in these areas. This way, if there is going to be a disagreement; it will come at the end of the grooming session.

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8


Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

Menjaga Anak Kucing Yang Ditinggalkan Ibu

Anak kucing yang dipelihara oleh ibunya mempunyai kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik berbanding anak kucing yang ditinggalkan dan dipelihara oleh manusia. Jika anda mendapati ada anak kucing yang ditinggalkan ibu atau tidak dijaga oleh ibunya, maka bersedialah untuk kerja-kerja keras dan beberapa kekecewaan. Tetapi jika semuanya berjalan lancar, anda akan mengalami pengalaman istimewa menjaga anak kucing yatim piatu dan membesarkannya kepada kucing dewasa yang sihat.

Untuk itu kita akan melihat secara ringkas perkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan jika menjaga anak kucing yang ditinggalkan ibu.

Bagi Makanan Pada Si Comel

Anak kucing yang baru lahir perlu makan setiap 2-3 jam. Mereka mempunyai perut yang kecil dan memerlukan jumlah makanan yang sedikit tetapi berkala. Jangan berikan susu lembu pada anak kucing kerana ini akan menyebabkan sembelit dan kehilangan air pada badan. Anda perlu menggunakan susu yang dirumus khas untuk anak kucing. Susu khas ini boleh diperolehi di klinik vetrinar dengan pelbagai jenama.

Botol susu yang khas juga digunakan untuk menyusu anak kucing (saiznya kecil). Susu perlu diberikan dalam keadaan suam, tetapi bukan panas, ianya sama sepertimana kita berikan kepada bayi manusia.

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

Bantu Si Comel Untuk Berak dan Kencing

Ya, berak dan kencing, saya tak tahu tajuk apa yang sesuai tetapi dua perkataan itu adalah sangat tepat..hehe. Anak kucing tidak boleh mengawal kencing dan beraknya sehinggalah mereka berumur 4 minggu. Bermula dari kelahiran sehingga minggu ke-4, ibu kucing akan merangsangnya untuk membuang dengan cara menjilat kemaluan anak kucing.

Maka anda juga mesti melakukan perkara yang sama di sini. Tak la, saya bergurau sahaja. Tetapi rangsangan ini boleh ditiru dengan menggunakan kain lembut yang suam dan basah atau menggunakan putik kapas (juga suam dan basah). Balikkan badan anak kucing itu dan secara lembut, sapukan pada kemaluannya sehingga kencing atau najis itu keluar. Ini perlu dilakukan selepas menyusu.

Si Comel Perlu Selamat & Selesa

Anak kucing tidak mempunyai lemak pada badan untuk mengekalkan suhu badannya. Mereka biasanya bergelumang sesama sendiri bersebelahan dengan ibu mereka untuk berkongsi haba. Jika anda mempunyai anak kucing yatim, anda perlu memberikan haba ini dengan menggunakan botol mengandungi air panas atau pad pemanas(setkan suhunya pada kadar rendah sahaja). Kedua-duanya perlu dialas dengan kain tebal (sebaik-baiknya tuala).

Pastikan anak kucing mempunyai ruang untuk merangkak keluar dari pad pemanas atau botol itu jika dia berasa terlalu panas. Anak kucing perlu berada dalam kawasan yang dikekang seperti dalam kotak kecil dialas dengan kain di kawasan yang tidak berhabuk. Disebabkan anak kucing tidak dapat melihat, adalah penting untuk anda mengetahui dimana mereka berada pada setiap masa untuk mengelakkan mereka dari kesusahan.

Anak kucing yatim diberi makanan pejal seperti mana anak kucing biasa. Mereka boleh diperkenalkan dengan sedikit makanan berdaging yang dirumus khas untuk anak kucing pada umur 4 minggu. Pengenalan kepada penggunaan kotak najis juga digalakkan pada ketika umur ini.

Masalah perilaku memang biasa berlaku bagi anak kucing yatim kerana mereka tidak dilatih oleh kucing dewasa yang lain. Mereka cenderung untuk menggigit dengan lebih kuat, tidak bertolak ansur dengan kekangan dan bermain secara kasar. Mereka tidak akan terlepas dengan sikap begini jika mereka dipelihara oleh ibunya, atau kucing dewasa lain, atau adik-beradik mereka yang lain.

Kucing lain akan mengajar 'budi bahasa' dan memberi reaksi dengan menggigit balas, mencakar balas dan 'kepimpinan melalui tauladan'. Malangnya anak kucing yatim yang seorang diri tidak akan menerima pelajaran 'budi bahasa' seperti ini. Mendedahkan anak kucing yatim kepada manusia lain atau kucing lain pada umur muda akan membantu membetuk perilaku yang baik. Jangan biarkan anak kucing ini menggigit atau bermain secara agresif kerana ini hanya mendorong perilaku buruk.

Catz Bag for Catz Lover

Authentic Disney Marrie Shoulder Bag
RM 45

Authentic Handmade Sling Pouch
 RM 40

RM 28

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

Cat Minitures

ALL (per item)
 ONLY RM 6 jerr...

Fabulouse Pets Haus @ Puchong Utama 8

We are here...

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8


We Offer For Your King & Queen

~Fabulouse Meow~

(SH & LH diffrent price)

~Fabulouse Fluffy~



Have a Meowing Chat :)

Meowing Soothing Massage
Pets Only

 Our daily used products

We also used HAGEN SPA set.


       Give us a visit...
Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8



RM 17 only + postal charge 


Pantothenic acid is also helpful in making essential steroids and one of the neurotransmitters in the brain.
The product contains 11 key vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and E, B6 and B12, pantothenic acid and folic acid.
Pantothenic acid makes red blood cells while B-12 makes sure that the cells stay healthy.

Fabulouse Pets Haus

Vime - Frondog


Long lasting control of fleas, tick and lice.
Lasting for 2 months on your pet fur.
Suitable for pregnant and lactating cat and dog too. 

RM 68 (250 ml)

Fabulouse Pets Haus

Bengy Cat Sand


RM 11 (5L)

Diperbuat daripada tanah liat yang 100% semulajadi. Berbau wangi untuk kesegaran ruang rumah. menjaga kebersihan & kesegaran pada tubuh badan kucing kesayangan anda.

Fabulouse Pets Haus

Home Plant Cat Grass

Home Plant Cat Grass
(mixed seeds)

RM 4. 50
(per small pot)
Ready Use

. There are several theories about why cats eat grass, ranging from nutrient content to curiosity. Grass certainly helps cats digest, and it can also help them bring up hairballs. For indoor cats who cannot hunt, cat grass can replace the partially digested vegetable materials which cats normally ingest through their prey. Not all cats eat grass, with some demonstrating considerable curiosity, while others ignore it.
People establish cat grass in their homes to distract cats from houseplants, which are usually off-limits, and to supplement the diet of their cats. Cat grass can also provide some environmental enrichment for indoor cats, who tend to become bored and frustrated because they cannot go outside. Some people also like to grow catnip, an aromatic herb which is very appealing to cats.
When growing cat grass, it is a very good idea to use a wide, low container with a sturdy base, so that cats cannot knock the container over while they eat. Unlike herbivores, cats do not have teeth which are designed for chewing grasses, so they sometimes need to tug very hard, which can cause the planter to fall over. Curious cats may also want to play with the container, which can result in a big mess if the container is especially tippy.
Some cat grass kits come with nutrient-rich mats which are filled with cat grass seeds, allowing the pet owner to simply moisturize the mat to get the seeds to germinate. This is much tidier than working with seeds and soil, with the mat simply being pulled out of the planter when the cat grass is exhausted. Other kits come with soil or another growing medium, requiring the user to mix the seeds with the soil and water them. In addition to buying specially-labeled cat grass, it is also possible to buy containers or flats of wheatgrass which are designed for juicing.

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

A Team Rabbit Pallet


RM 4.50

Fabulouse Pets Haus



RM 2.00 (small) 

Fabulouse Pets Haus

Fish Pallet

Fish Pallet (small)

RM 2.90 (100g)

Fish Pallet (small)

RM 1. 90 (20g)

Fabulouse Pets Haus

A Pro Cat

A Pro
with I.Q Formula

1 kg
RM 7.90

RM 145
Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

Royal Canin

We Offer 1 kg & 500g REPACK Kibbles

RM 21. 80 (1kg)


Product Description

Cat Food for the active adult cat with outdoor access (1-10 years)

Cats with outdoor access need a nutritional answer that has a higher calorie supply to match their higher activity level. Also, the cat with outdoor access can come into contact with other animals or parasites that can put her immune system under heavy stress. Since she also spends time indoors grooming herself, she also needs nutrition that helps manage hairballs.

Ingredients: Chicken meal, brown rice, corn, corn gluten meal, chicken, chicken fat, natural chicken flavor, pea fiber, dried beet pulp (sugar removed), rice hulls, dried brewers yeast, soya oil, anchovy oil (source of EPA/DHA), calcium sulfate, salt, potassium chloride, DL-methionine, dried brewers yeast extract (source of mannan-oligosaccharides), dried egg product, choline chloride, taurine, monosodium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, Vitamins [DL-alpha tocopherol acetate (source of vitamin E), L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), niacin supplement, biotin, riboflavin (vitamin B2) supplement, D-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, vitamin D3 supplement], Trace Minerals [zinc oxide, zinc proteinate, ferrous sulfate, manganese proteinate, copper proteinate, copper sulfate, manganous oxide, calcium iodate, sodium selenite], marigold extract (Tagetes erecta L.), preserved with natural mixed tocopherols (source of vitamin E) and citric acid, rosemary extract.

RM 19.90 (1 kg)

Product Description

Royal Canin Feline Health Nutrition Kitten 36 formula has a special kibble for the developing kitten. The supply of sodium polyphosphate slows down tartar formation and promotes good oral hygiene early. It also contains probiotics and prebiotics to give added digestive security. It also contains a combination of nutrients to help build the immune defense. Ingredients: Chicken Meal, rice, corn gluten meal, corn, chicken fat (naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols, rosemary extract and citric acid), chicken, dried egg powder, natural chicken flavor, pea fiber, beet pulp, salmon oil, dried brewers yeast, sodium silico aluminate, potassium chloride, chicory extract, choline chloride, sodium chloride, L-lysine, brewers yeast extract (saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation solubles), calcium carbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, taurine, Vitamins (di-alpha tocopherol (source of vitamin E), L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), niacin, biotin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), vitamin B12 supplement, folic acid, vitamin A acetate, vitamin D3 supplement), Trace minerals (zinc proteinate, zinc oxide, ferrous sulfate, copper proteinate, copper sulfate, manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, sodium selenite, calcium iodate), marigold extract.

RM 12 (500g)

Product Description

Supporting cardiac function

Helps support and maintain heart health with adapted levels of magnesium, sodium, potassium, arginine, EPA & DHA, taurine, L-carnitine, and antioxidants (vitamins E & C and green tea and grape polyphenols)

Supporting the joints

Helps support the joints of a powerful skeleton

A healthy skin and a beautiful coat

Helps reinforce the barrier role of the skin, and reveals the natural beauty and colour of the coat due to the use of fatty, linoleic and amino acids, as well as zinc, biotin and vitamins.

Special large jaw

Emerald 10, a kibble specially adapted for the Maine Coon's enormous jaw, encourages good oral-dental hygiene.

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

Leash & Colar


RM 5


RM 7

RM 7.90


RM 5

RM 8. 50

Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8

All Of You Welcome To Our Pets Haus

Please Come and Visit Us
Fabulouse Pets Haus @Puchong Utama 8